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BRACKEYS - Solution to C# Tutorial 04 Challenge



  • these is mine

    using System;

    namespace My_awesome_program


        class Program


            static void Main(string[] args)


                Random numberGen = new Random();

                int r1 , r2;

                r1 = 0;

                r2 = 1;

                int atpts = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll a die: ");

                while (r1 != r2) {


                    r1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                    r2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                    Console.WriteLine("Dice 1: "+ r1);

                    Console.WriteLine("Dice 2: "+ r2 +"\n");



                Console.WriteLine("It took you "+ atpts + " attempts to roll two of a kind.");





  • using System;

    namespace MyAwesomeMathQuiz


        class Program


            static void Main(string[] args)


                Random numberGen = new Random();

                int roll1 = 0;

                int roll2 = 1;

                int attempts = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to roll both dices.");

                while(roll1 != roll2) {


                    roll1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                    roll2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                    Console.WriteLine("You rolled : " + roll1 + " and " + roll2);



                Console.WriteLine("It took u " + attempts + (" attempts to roll same numbers!"));





  • I tried as well :D

    using System;

    namespace Best_Program


        class Program


            static void Main(string[] args)


                Random numberGen = new Random();

                int roll01 = 0;

                int roll02 = 0;

                int attemts = 0;


                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll the die!");

                while (roll01 != 6 || roll02 != 6)



                    roll01 = numberGen.Next(1,7);

                    Console.WriteLine("Your first die rolled " + roll01);

                    roll02 = numberGen.Next(1,7);

                    Console.WriteLine("Your second die rolled " + roll02);



                Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attemts + " attemts!");   






  • I tried too ended up good.

    using System;

    namespace Program


        class Program


            static void Main(string[] args)


               //Program Title:

               Console.Title = "Two of a Kind";

               //Program Width:

               Console.WindowWidth = 150;

               //Font Color:

               Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;


               Random numberGen = new Random();

               int dice1 = 0;

               int dice2 = 1;

               int attempts = 0;


               Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Two of a Kind. This is a game of chance where you will have to roll two dice.");

               Console.WriteLine("If you get two if the same dice within 4 attempts, you win and will be rewarded with 100 lives.");

               Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;

               Console.WriteLine("But if you don't, you will lose the number of lives equal to the attempts that you have made.");

               Console.WriteLine("GOODLUCK :)");


               Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;

               while (dice1 != dice2)


                   dice1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                   dice2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                   Console.WriteLine("You rolled: " + dice1);

                   Console.WriteLine("You rolled: "+ dice2 + "\n");




               Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to know the number of you attempts...");


               Console.WriteLine("You have made " + attempts + " attempts...");


               if (attempts <= 4)


                   Console.WriteLine("You have passed. Receive the blessing of IMMORTALITY!");

               } else 


                   Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;

                   Console.WriteLine("You have failed mortal. RECEIVE THE PUNISHMENT FOR THE WICKED!!!");


               //Ending Sequence:

               Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to know the next judgement.....");





  • love this series of tutoriasl and it's really helping me to acomplish my goal of learning to code at least a bit!!

    so i made my version and had no problem doing my two dices program and the i tried to make it like a trow dice against the computer but for some reason i still can't make it work. help!!!

    Console.WriteLine("Ok " + name + " Let's play Dice!!");

          Console.WriteLine("First you roll and then I roll, Wins the bigger number every turn");

          Random numberGen = new Random();

          int roll1 = 0;

          int roll2 = 1;


          Console.WriteLine("READY....Press ENTER to roll");


          if ( roll1 == roll2){


            Console.WriteLine("Nice tie, let's do it again!!");


          while (roll1 < roll2)



            roll1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

            roll2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

            Console.WriteLine("You rolled: " + roll1 + " I rolled: " + roll2 );


            Console.WriteLine(" I win, Let's go again");

            Console.WriteLine(" PRESS ENTER");




            Console.WriteLine("You rolled: " + roll1 + " I rolled: " + roll2 );


            Console.WriteLine ("YOU WIN!!!");




  • I don't understand why you set roll2 to 1

  • Victor me too idk why


  • somebody explained it to me

    It's because when you tried to enter into the while loop they would both be 0 therefore (role1 != role2) would be false and the loop would never start.


  • Oh, I made it exactly by my own :)

  • Added a small if statement so it doesn't say "it took you 1 attempts" :)

  • I was getting the same number rolled for both dice, so I made a new variable for a new Random() numberGen and was able to get the dice to roll different numbers.

    using System;

    namespace c__Programs


        class Program


            static void Main(string[] args)


                Random numberGen = new Random();

                Random nr = new Random();

                int roll = 0;

                int roll2 = 1;

                int attempts = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll the dice");

                while(roll != roll2) {


                    roll = numberGen.Next(1,7);

                    roll2 = nr.Next(1, 7);

                    Console.WriteLine("Rolled: " + roll);

                    Console.WriteLine("Rolled: " + roll2 + "\n");



                Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " to roll a pair.");


                //Write before closing the program.





  • here is my version because Brackeys' version didn't work for me. after a lot of fideling around it finally works and i don't know why.

    class Program


           static void Main(string[] args)


               Random numberGen = new Random();

               int roll1 = 0;

               int roll2 = 0;

               int attempts = 0;

               Console.WriteLine("press enter to roll the dies");

               while (true)



                   roll1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                   roll2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                   Console.WriteLine("Roll 1: " + roll1);

                   Console.WriteLine("Roll 2: " + roll2 + "\n");


                   if (roll1 == roll2)


                       Console.WriteLine("you rolled two of a kind");

                       Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " attempts");




               //wait before closing




  • My solution (changed it up a little bit).

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    namespace yes_man
        class program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                Console.Title = "this is a stupid program";
                Random theNumber = new Random();
                int roll = 1;
                int roll2 = 2;
                int attempts = 5;
                Console.WriteLine("Click enter to roll 2 dice. To win, get the same number on both rolls (1-5). You have 5 attempts.");
                while(attempts > 0 && roll != roll2)
                    roll = theNumber.Next(1, 6);
                    roll2 = theNumber.Next(1, 6);
                    Console.WriteLine("Roll 1: " + roll);
                    Console.WriteLine("\nRoll 2: " + roll2);
                    Console.WriteLine("\nYou have " + attempts + " attempts left.\n\n");
                if(roll == roll2 && attempts > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Congrats! You won!");
                } else if(roll != roll2 && attempts == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("You lost! Reopen this program to try again.");
  • anjalianjali Member
    edited March 2021

    using System;

    namespace my_awsome_program


        class Program


            static void Main(string[] args)


              //In this program you can enter the maximum number of times you want to try for 'two of a kind'

               Console.WriteLine("Enter the maximum attempts you want to make for 'two of a kind':");


               int max=Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());


              /*When i declared roll1 and roll2 with value=0, program wasn't entering the while loop since the codition 

              is satisfied because both roll1 and roll2 have value 0, so i tried this solution instead*/

               Random numberGen= new Random();

               int roll1=1;

               int roll2=2;

               int attempt=0;

               Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll");

               while (roll1 !=roll2&&attempt!=max)






                   Console.WriteLine("Roll 1 : "+roll1+"\nRoll 2 : "+roll2);



               /*if the maximum attempt is reached this line prints out otherwise the else condition is satisfied*/

               if (attempt==max)


                   Console.WriteLine("Sorry,You have run out of chances, Better luck next time.");




               Console.WriteLine("Congrats! it took you "+attempt+" attempts to roll 'two of a kind'.");






  • I made an attempt, at first I made the mistake of putting int roll2 = 0;

    using System;

    namespace Tutorials


        class Program


            static void Main(string[] args)

            // Dice Generator:


                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;

                Console.Title = "DiceMania";


                Random numberGen = new Random();

                int roll1 = 0;

                int roll2 = 1;

                int attempts = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to roll the 2 dice");

                while (roll1 != roll2){


                    roll1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                    roll2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);


                    Console.WriteLine("Dice 1: " + roll1);

                    Console.WriteLine("Dice 2: " + roll2 + "\n ");




                Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " attempts to roll two of a kind");

                // wait before closing





  • Mo_Mo_ Member

    Heres my solution for this one

                Random numberGen = new Random();
                int roll = 0;
                int roll2 = 1;
                int attempt = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll the dice.");
                while(roll != roll2) {
                    roll = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
                    roll2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
                    Console.WriteLine("Roll1: " + roll);
                    Console.WriteLine("Roll2: " + roll2);
                Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempt + " attempts to roll the same number on each die.");
                // Wait 
  • using System;

    namespace ScriptLN4


    class Program


    static void Main(string[] args)


    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

    Random numberGen = new Random();

    int roll = 0;

    int roll1 = 1;

    int Attempts = 0;

    Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to roll the dice");

    while (roll != roll1)



    roll = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

    roll1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

    Console.WriteLine("Roll01: " + roll);

    Console.WriteLine("Roll02: " + roll1);



    Console.WriteLine("It took " + Attempts + " to roll the same number on both dice");





  • using System;

    namespace lil_nigs_program


        class Program


            static void Main(string[] args)


                Random numberGen = new Random();

                int roll01 = 0;

                int roll02 = 1;

                int attempts = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll the Dice");

                while(roll01 != roll02)



                    roll01 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                    roll02 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                    Console.WriteLine("Roll 1: " + roll01);

                    Console.WriteLine("Roll 2: " + roll02 +"\n");



                Console.WriteLine("It took u " + attempts + "to roll two of a kind");

                // Wait before closing









  • Added some colors :D

    using System;
    namespace Test
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                Random numberGen = new Random();
                int roll_1 = 0;
                int roll_2 = 1;
                int attempts = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll the dice.");
                while (roll_1 != roll_2)
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                    roll_1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
                    roll_2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
                    Console.WriteLine("\nRoll 1: " + roll_1);
                    Console.WriteLine("Roll 2: " + roll_2);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " attempts to roll the same numbers.");
                // wait before close
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                Console.WriteLine("\nPress Enter to exit..");

  • tipkarczxtipkarczx Member
    edited April 2021

    using System;

    namespace První_hra



        class Program


            static void Main(string[] args)


            Random numGen = new Random();


               String lang; 

               String gameMode; 

               int roll01 = 0;

               int roll02 = 1;

               int attepts = 0;



               lang = Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine());



               if(lang == "eng")


               Console.WriteLine("Chose from these modes: hard/easy and write it below.");

               gameMode = Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine());


               if (gameMode == "hard")



               while (roll01 != roll02)



                   roll01 = numGen.Next(1, 101);

                   roll02 = numGen.Next(1, 101);

                   Console.WriteLine("First number " + roll01);

                   Console.WriteLine("Second number " + roll02);






                Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attepts + " attepts");


                // easy

               if (gameMode == "easy")


                  while (roll01 != roll02)



                   roll01 = numGen.Next(1, 7);

                   roll02 = numGen.Next(1, 7);

                   Console.WriteLine("First number " + roll01);

                   Console.WriteLine("Second number " + roll02);






                Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attepts + " attepts");         





                if(lang == "cz")


                   Console.WriteLine("Vyber si z těhle módů: lehké/těžké, a napiš je pod tenhle text,");

               gameMode = Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine());


               if (gameMode == "těžké")



               while (roll01 != roll02)



                   roll01 = numGen.Next(1, 100);

                   roll02 = numGen.Next(1, 100);

                   Console.WriteLine("První číslo " + roll01);

                   Console.WriteLine("Druhé číslo " + roll02);






                Console.WriteLine("Dalo vám to " + attepts + " pokusů");



               if (gameMode == "lehké")


                  while (roll01 != roll02)



                   roll01 = numGen.Next(1, 7);

                   roll02 = numGen.Next(1, 7);

                   Console.WriteLine("První číslo " + roll01);

                   Console.WriteLine("Druhé číslo " + roll02);






                  Console.WriteLine("Dalo vám to " + attepts + " pokusů");       



                //Ends the program





    I made gameodes and you can chose your language

  • NexNex Member


    using System;
    namespace C__Assignment4
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                Random numberGen = new Random();
                int roll1 = 0;
                int roll2 = 1;
                int attempts = 0;
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to roll both dies.");
                while(roll1 != roll2) {
                    roll1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
                    roll2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
                    Console.WriteLine("Roll#1: " + roll1);  
                    Console.WriteLine("Roll#2: " + roll2 + "\n");
                Console.WriteLine("It took " + attempts + " attempts to get a two of a kind");
                //Wait before closing
  • using System;

    namespace C__project


        class Program


            static void Main(string[] args)


                Random numberGen = new Random();


                int roll1 = 0;

                int roll2 = 1;

                int attempts = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to roll a die");

                while(roll1 != roll2) {


                    roll1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                    roll2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                    Console.WriteLine("Roll1: " + roll1);

                    Console.WriteLine("Roll2: " + roll2);



                Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " attempts to roll two equal numbers");





    I feel like I've done something wrong with this thing, but it works, so hey, no need to fix :)

  • My solution:

    I did the brackey's C# course episode 4 challenge, is my solution good?

    using System;

    namespace The_dice_roll


      class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


          Console.WriteLine("Press any key to roll the Dice.");

          int roll01 = 0;

          int roll02 = 1;

          int attempts = 0;

          Random numberGen = new Random();

          while(roll01 != roll02) 



            roll01 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

            roll02 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);


            Console.WriteLine("\nYou got\nDice 1: " + roll01 + "\nDice 2: " + roll02);


          Console.WriteLine("\nIt took you " + attempts + " rolls to get both dice to be the same number.");





  • epiepi Member

    using System;

    namespace fartMachine


        class Program


            static void Main(string[] args)


                Console.Title = "pffflarrpp";


                Random numberGen1 = new Random(); //Random Number Generators

                Random numberGen2 = new Random();

                int roll1 = 1;

                int roll2 = 0;

                int attempts = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll the dice.");

                while (roll1 != roll2)



                    roll2 = numberGen2.Next(1, 7); //Random number between 1-6

                    Console.WriteLine("You rolled " + roll2);

                    roll1 = numberGen1.Next(1, 7); //Random number between 1-6

                    Console.WriteLine("You rolled " + roll1 +"\n");


                    Console.WriteLine("Roll #" + attempts);


                Console.WriteLine("You rolled a two of a kind after " + attempts +" attempts!");

                //Wait Before Closing





  • Here's what I got:

    using System;

    namespace DusProgram


        class Program


            static void Main(string[] args)


                Console.Title = ("DusProgram");

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;

                Console.WindowHeight = 30;


                Random numberGen = new Random();

                int roll1 = 0;

                int roll2 = 1;

                int attempts = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll the dice");

                while(roll1 != roll2) {


                  roll1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                  roll2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

                  Console.WriteLine("Rolled a " + roll1 + " and a " + roll2 + "!");



                Console.WriteLine("Attempts: " + attempts);

                // Wait before closing





    I almost did it without looking for the solution, I just didn't know you need to set the second roll integer to "1".

  • using System;

    namespace my_awesome_project


      class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


          // questiojn for 3 dice

          // int roll01;

          //int roll02;

          //int roll03;

          // main programmes starts throught here 

          Random numberGen = new Random();

          int roll01 = 0;

          int roll02 = 0;

          int roll03 = 0;

          int attempts = 0;

          Console.WriteLine("Process enter to Role a Dice");

    // I need help here (in while condition) , please somebody help me

          while (roll01 != roll02; roll02 != roll03; roll03 != roll01 )



            roll01 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

            roll02 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

            roll03 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

            Console.WriteLine("Roll 1: " + roll01);

            Console.WriteLine("Roll 2: " + roll02 + "\n");

            Console.WriteLine("Roll 3: " + roll03 + "\n");



          Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " attempts to roll two of a kind.");






  • {

                Random numberGen1 = new Random();

                Random numberGen2 = new Random();

                int roll2 = 1;



                int roll1 = 0;

                int attempts1 = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("press enter to roll: ");



                while (roll1 != roll2) 






                    roll1 = numberGen1.Next(1, 7);






                    roll2 = numberGen2.Next(1, 7);

                    Console.WriteLine("you rolled: " + roll1 + " " + roll2);





                 Console.WriteLine("it took you  " + attempts1 + " attempts to roll 2 of a kind ");
















  • the best of them all (says me)

    Random numgen1 = new Random();


               var roll1 = 0;

               var roll2 = 2;

               var attempt = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("press enter to roll the dice");

               while (roll1 != roll2)





                    Console.WriteLine("you rolled"+roll1);

                    Console.WriteLine("you rolled"+roll2);




               Console.WriteLine("it took you "+attempt+" attempts to roll two of a kind.");

                Console.ReadKey(); //presskey to close

  • Mine

    using System;

    namespace Again


      class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


          Random numberGen = new Random();


          int roll1 = 0;

          int roll2 = 0;

          int attempts = 0;

          Console.WriteLine("Press any key to roll.");

          while (roll1 != 1 || roll2 != 1){


            roll1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

            roll2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);

            Console.WriteLine("You rolled: " + roll1 +" and " + roll2);



          Console.WriteLine("It tooks you " + attempts + " attempts to roll the selected combination");


           //To End





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