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Hey everyone!
Here is my solution to the challenge from the C# Tutorial 04 (Loops) video that is out soon.
Have fun with it! 😀
using System; namespace My_Awesome_Program { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Random numberGen = new Random(); int roll01 = 0; int roll02 = 1; int attempts = 0; Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll the dice."); while(roll01 != roll02) { Console.ReadKey(); roll01 = numberGen.Next(1, 7); roll02 = numberGen.Next(1, 7); Console.WriteLine("Roll 1: " + roll01); Console.WriteLine("Roll 2: " + roll02 + "\n"); attempts++; } Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " attempts to roll two of a kind."); // Wait before closing Console.ReadKey(); } } }
lol first
using System;
namespace The_Test_Object
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Dope Title
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
Console.Title = "fps game 2000";
Random rnum = new Random();
int rolls01 = 0;
int rolls02 = 0;
int attemps = 1;
int result = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to roll the dice.");
while(rolls01 != rolls02){
rolls01 = rnum.Next(1, 7);
rolls02 = rnum.Next(1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("You Rolled: " + rolls01 + " :" + rolls02);
Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attemps + " to roll the same number twice.");
//Close thingy
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine("--Press any key to exit--");
Ok this was my first attempt at it:
I didn't think I could set the variables to something like say 0 and 1 because I thought that it was too simple of a solution to it but it's great to see that it is a correct method of doing doing it. With the way I set it up on this, it prevented me from being able to set a goto scenario that would start the program over again as every time I went to debug, the numbers for the variables would always match and I'd never get the chance to roll the dice.
Anyways, thanks for the new video and this tutorial series, I'm having a fun time trying to finally learn how to code!
Just modified it a bit:
using System;
namespace cstesting
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Random numberGen = new Random();
int roll1 = 0;
int roll2 = 1;
int attempts = 0;
Console.WriteLine("How many attempts do you want to have: ");
int maxattempts = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Type an number that is the min of the random numbers: ");
int minNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Type an number that is the max of the random numbers: ");
int maxNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Your settings: MaxAttempts: " + maxattempts + " MinNumber: " + minNumber + " MaxNumber: " + maxNumber);
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to roll the dice!");
while (roll1 != roll2 && attempts < maxattempts)
roll1 = numberGen.Next(minNumber, maxNumber);
roll2 = numberGen.Next(minNumber, maxNumber);
Console.WriteLine("Roll 1: " + roll1);
Console.WriteLine("Roll 2: " + roll2);
if (roll1 == roll2)
Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " attempts to get two same numbers");
if (attempts >= maxattempts)
Console.WriteLine("You reached the max amount of attempts!");
My One
My Dad told me that the singular of dice is die so whenever I say die, I'm referring to dice.
using System;
namespace Dice_loop_brackeys_assignment
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Title
Console.Title = "Roll the dice";
// Variables
Random numGen = new Random ();
int die1 = 1;
int die2 = 0;
int attempts = 0;
// Introduction
Console.WriteLine ("Hello and welcome to roll the dice.");
// Code
Console.WriteLine ("Press enter to play.");
while (die1 != die2)
Console.ReadKey ();
die1 = numGen.Next (1, 7);
die2 = numGen.Next (1, 7);
Console.WriteLine ("Die 1 number = " + die1 + ". Die 2 number = " + die2 + ".");
Console.WriteLine ("It took you " + attempts + " attempt to roll the same number on both die.");
// Wait for keyboard input before closing
Console.ReadKey ();
When I am assigning both roll1 and roll2 variables with 0 the program doesn't work but if I assign any of roll1 and roll2 with 1 the program works fine. Can anyone tell me why this happens?
My script works, but is there something that I should improve?
Tried to make a triple dice game but didn't work tho
using System;
namespace Coding
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Random NumberGen = new Random ();
int roll1 = 0;
int roll2 = 1;
int roll3 = 2;
int attempts = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll the dice");
while (roll1 != roll2 != roll3)
roll1 = NumberGen.Next(1, 7);
roll2 = NumberGen.Next(1, 7);
roll3 = NumberGen.Next(1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("Roll 1: " + roll1);
Console.WriteLine("Roll 2: " + roll2 + "\n");
Console.WriteLine("Roll 3: " + roll3 + "\n");
Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " attempts to roll a triple, get better");
No surprises there, got the exact same code!
Kinda realized you couldnt have both of the rolls default to 0 lol
Also you can use emojis in the console title but idk how to get it to work in the actual code :(
using System;
namespace Awesome_Program
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Title = "Dice Roller🎲🎲";
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan;
Random numberGen = new Random();
int roll1 = 0;
int roll2 = 1;
int attempts = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll the dice");
while (roll1 != roll2) {
roll1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
roll2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("Roll 1: " + roll1);
Console.WriteLine("Roll 2: " + roll2);
Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " attempts to roll two of a kind.");
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen;
Console.WriteLine("Do you want to roll again? If so press any key to continue");
//Wait before closing
using System;
namespace roll_a_dice
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Random numberGen = new Random();
int roll1 = 0;
int roll2 = 1;
int attempts = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll a dice.");
while (roll1 != roll2)
roll1 = numberGen.Next(1, 11);
roll2 = numberGen.Next(1, 11);
Console.WriteLine("Roll 1: " + roll1);
Console.WriteLine("Roll 2: " + roll2);
Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " attempts to roll two of a kind");
//Wait before closing
using System;
using System.Threading;
namespace Idk_Whats_this
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//The variables
int dice1, dice2;
int attempts = 0;
//Those Are the randoms
Random roll1 = new Random();
Random roll2 = new Random();
//Some Chat that i thought would be funny
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Dice Rollers L.T.D Company, Press any key to start");
Console.WriteLine("What We do here is simply rolling 2 dices and if they look alike in 3 attempts, YOU'LL WIN THE JACKPOT");
dice1 = roll1.Next(1, 7);
dice2 = roll2.Next(1, 7);
while (dice1 != dice2 && attempts < 3)
dice1 = roll1.Next(1, 7);
dice2 = roll2.Next(1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("\n\nDice one rolled : " + dice1);
Console.WriteLine("Dice two rolled : " + dice2);
if (attempts < 3 && dice1 == dice2)
Console.WriteLine("Congrats, YOU WON THE JACKPOT");
Console.Write("Do you want to play again? (y/n) : ");
string answer = Console.ReadLine();
if (answer == "y")
attempts = 0;
goto Start;
else if (answer == "n")
Console.WriteLine("Thx For Playing C U L8R");
attempts = 0;
if (attempts == 3)
Console.WriteLine("Sorry you lost, But do you want to play again? (y/n)");
attempts = 0;
string answer1 = Console.ReadLine();
if (answer1 == "y")
goto Start;
if (answer == "n")
Console.WriteLine("Thx For Playing C U L8R");
Here it is, but I added my touch for it
I also Did it!!!! Cheers!
using System;
namespace WhileLoopProgram
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Random numGen = new Random();
int roll = 5;
int roll2 = 6;
int attempts = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll the die");
while(roll != roll2)
roll = numGen.Next(1, 7);
roll2 = numGen.Next(1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("You rolled a " + roll + " on the first dice.");
Console.WriteLine("You rolled a " + roll2 + " on the second dice.");
Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " attemps to roll a two-of-a-kind.");
How to make the program compare three dice rolls instead of two? :) I try but it doesn't work ...
I know that in the example above I have a loop for two arguments written, but I don't know how to write it so that it works for three dice rolls.
here's my solution! i've done these before but never posted here yet :D hello!
also quick question i've noticed people have identifying colors for certain things on their consoles, how do I see those constantly?
(apologies if it's too small to read there are plenty of others and ignore my little notes i have fun doing those : ) )
I have been following along as well and am just starting as well, but i like to add a spin onto your challenges for me and though they take me more time i enjoy them more so here is my iteration on the challenge.
If you see things that dont make sense or could have been done better please do tell me. :)
( any labels or things that seem out of place is because this is apart of a much larger console projects filled with a bunch of other mini projects like this just to keep as a guide for my self )
I have some friends who are avid DnD players with several types of dice, so I made it so the die could have any value they choose. (PS: my first time on this forum, how to I add clean code as @Zae did?)
Console.Write("What is the maximum value of the dice you want to use? ");
int dieValue = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Random numberGen = new Random();
int roll = 0;
int die1 = 0;
int die2 = 1;
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to roll the die.");
while (die1 != die2) {
die1 = numberGen.Next(1, dieValue + 1);
die2 = numberGen.Next(1, dieValue + 1);
if (die1 == die2) {
Console.WriteLine("Yay, you have rolled doubles of value " + die1 + "! It took " + roll + " attempts.");
Console.WriteLine("Sorry, the dice don't match. (" + die1 + " is not " + die2 + ".) Roll again!");
I was able to complete using || is there anything wrong with that or is roll1 != roll2 , just a better way of putting it?
using System;
namespace Project_1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Random numberGen = new Random();
int roll1 = 0;
int roll2 = 0;
int attempts = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll the dice.");
while (roll1 != 6 || roll2 != 6) {
roll1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
roll2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("You rolled: " + roll1);
Console.WriteLine("You rolled: " + roll2);
Console.WriteLine("It took " + attempts + " attempts for both dice to be a 6");
Here's My attempt
using System;
namespace WORK
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Random numberGen = new Random();
int roll1 = 0;
int roll2 = 1;
int attempts = 0;
Console.WriteLine("press enter to roll the die.");
while (roll1 != roll2)
roll1 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("You rolled" + roll1);
roll2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("You rolled" + roll2);
Console.WriteLine("It took " + attempts + " to roll doubles.");
On first attempt i set roll1 to 0 and roll2 to 0 and i was wondering why it didn't work. But i sitted for a while, tested different solutions and tada! Works.
using System;
namespace projekt
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.Title = ("Staver lesson #0008");
Random numberGen = new Random ();
Random numberGen2 = new Random ();
int roll = 0;
int roll2 = 1;
int attempts = 0;
Console.WriteLine("press enter to roll the die.");
while(roll != roll2){
roll = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
roll2 = numberGen2.Next(1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("roll #1 = " + roll);
Console.WriteLine("roll #2 = " + roll2);
Console.WriteLine("it took you " + attempts + " attempts to roll a same number.");
Made so you can login and please make another vid
using System;
namespace my_awsome_program
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string username = "Michnl";
string password = "BigMich";
string usernameused;
string passwordused;
Console.Write("Please enter your username: ");
usernameused = Console.ReadLine();
if(usernameused == username) {
Console.Write("Please enter your password: ");
passwordused = Console.ReadLine();
if(passwordused == password) {
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
} else {
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.Write("Incorrect password!");
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.Write("Incorrect username!");
// wait before closing
using System;
namespace Learning_C_
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Title = "SouthMythKing";
Random numGen = new Random();
int secondRoll = 1;
int firstRoll = 0;
int rolls = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter To Roll And See How Many Times It Take U To Roll A 5");
while(roll01 != roll02)
secondRoll = numGen.Next(1, 5);
firstRoll = numGen.Next(1, 5);
Console.WriteLine("You Rolled " + firstRoll + " And A " + secondRoll);
Console.WriteLine("It Took You " + rolls + " To Roll The Same Number");
Console.Title = "SouthMythKing";
using System;
namespace roll
class Program
publicstaticvoidMain(string[] args)
Random numGen = new Random();
int roll1 = numGen.Next(1,7);
int roll2 = roll1 + 1;
int attempts = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Press any keys except esc to roll the dices");
while (roll1 != roll2)
roll1 = numGen.Next(1,7);
roll2 = numGen.Next(1,7);
Console.WriteLine("Roll 1: "+roll1+" Roll 2: " + roll2);
if (roll1 != roll2)
Console.WriteLine("Press again");
Console.WriteLine("It tooks " + attempts + " attempts");
Here's mine with 3 dice rolls and it works well, hope you guys can figure out the code :)
Thank you so much for the tutorial Brackeys :)
Can someone tell me why "int roll02 = 1" ?
2nd try: :)
using System;
namespace Dice_Challenge
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Random numberGen = new Random();
int roll = 0;
int roll2 = 1;
int attempts = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Please press ENTER to roll");
while (roll != roll2)
roll = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
roll2 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("You roll: " + roll );
Console.WriteLine("You roll: " + roll2 );
Console.WriteLine("it took you " + attempts + " attempts to roll a same number.");
My solution:
using System;
namespace tutorial
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Title = ".NET Core";
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Random numGen = new Random();
int roll = 0;
int roll2 = 0;
int attempts = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to role the die.");
roll = numGen.Next(1, 7);
roll2 = numGen.Next(1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("Attempt " + attempts + ". Roll 1: " + roll + " Roll 2: " + roll2);
} while (roll != roll2);
Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " attempts");
this was my first also i saw somebody asking why roll02 = 1, its so when you first start the program you dont win right away
using System;
namespace My_Awesome_Program
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WindowHeight = 40;
Console.WindowWidth = 100;
Random numberGen = new Random();
int roll01 = 0;
int roll02 = 1;
int attempts = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll the die");
while(roll01 != roll02) {
roll01 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
roll02 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("Roll 1: " + roll01);
Console.WriteLine("Roll 2: " + roll02);
Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " to roll doubles");
// Wait before closing
This is how i did it :3
using System;
namespace Loop2
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Random numberGen = new Random();
int roll1 = 0;
int roll = 0;
int attempts = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll the dice.");
while(roll1 != 8 && roll != 2) {
roll1 = numberGen.Next(1, 9);
roll = numberGen.Next (1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("You rolled: " + roll1);
Console.WriteLine("You rolled: " + roll);
Console.WriteLine("It took you " + attempts + " attempts to roll a six.");
//Wait before closing
it took me sooo long and all i had to do is fix last mistake witch was change 0 from int roll0 = 0; to 1
lol love the series im going slow so i dont have to wait for next lesson but im already on arrays but at end ill re do everything of mememory
using System;
namespace for_loop_C_
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Random numberGen = new Random();
int roll01 = 0;
int roll02 = 1;
int attempts = 0;
Console.WriteLine("press enter to roll the dice. ");
while (roll01 != roll02)
roll01 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
roll02 = numberGen.Next(1, 7);
Console.WriteLine("roll 1: " + roll01);
Console.WriteLine("roll 2: " + roll02 + "\n");
Console.WriteLine("it took you " + attempts + " attempts to roll a two of a kind.");
// wait before closing