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Hi, I want to create my game with a style of IWBTB / Cuphead (because I want a skilled based game). The problem is that the story start from a village. I think that you can't really build a village in a 2d platform game so I was wondering if the camera could change into the "Pokémon mode" (2d from top, like every doungeon game). Do you think there are better solution to this? When I start the mission and enter the level, is it ok that change of camera?
Thanks, I hope I explained myself.
I'd say it would be totally okay to do it :) Just think about The legend of Zelda 2 which have a simmilar thing going from overworld to sidescroller :)
Yep thanks!! I asked in other communities too and someone told me the same (sadly I didn't play any Zelda). Will try it once I know how to develop games! XD
You should ;P And I think it would be easy to just have a different camera in the village scene and the sidescroller scene :)
Ahahah, maybe someday I will try it/watch some video. Btw, just because you are still here XD, what projects would you suggest to learn and experiment more and faster? I was doing right now a simple platformer (but with art, music made by me, so I know how to make and use them). I won't use assets for this purpose. I'm not going into level design for those projects (just test if things I want to do works).
After that I want to try space shooter (different movement, enemy spawn randomly etc.)
And after that a simple rpg (different style of game, different camera, different art etc.)
What can I do after those projects? My goal as I said is to try new things. I will post a new thread about that, but wanted to know what you think xD
This code here works for 2D camera follow. Just send the code to the Main Camera in the hierarchy.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraMovement : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject player;
private Vector3 offset;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
offset = transform.position - player.transform.position;
// Update is called once per frame
void LateUpdate ()
transform.position = player.transform.position + offset;