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Hello guys! Im so proud to be a part of this new forum and i really hope, that my first question is in the right place! So.. i have a big problem which i don't find a answer for in the internet. I searched everything, but nothing worked for me (actually, nobody wanted what i wanted).
So, this is my problem:
As you can see, the canvas is really really blurry, but i need it pixely, so it looks like the image on the right, which i imported in photoshop. I tried every mode in the editor, but absoluty nothing makes my canvas look pixely. In the actual game, i don't have the blurryness of the canvas, what exactly is going on here? Did i miss something? (i just took any sprite to show you my problem)
What pixel per unit did you set it too? Don't know if it could be what's wrong but maybe :)
Set the sprite's filter to point(no-filter) instead of billinear.
in sprite settings
I hope it helps you and you make a good game in fututre👍️