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Hey there I'm currently working on a game for mobile and it will be similar to BrawlStars in terms of level design and Camera position and etc...
And I'm not sure what's my poly budget... I want clean art and quick loading times.. So for an example the players, what's the budget?
In General
For Mobile
Less than 10K for characters is desirable.
Less polys overall is good, but you should also be concerned about Draw Calls as well since they give a big hit on performance. More Information here: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/OptimizingGraphicsPerformance.html and https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/DrawCallBatching.html
Keep on Creating!
Justin of JustinTime Studios (http://unity3d.expert)
Ok thanks !! and thanks for the unity docs links , they are really useful!
I try to stay under 30k total for scene but I find that the biggest scene killer is Draw Call like jtok4j said. If you can keep that low you can get away with more.