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Hi there, how did you get different colors for different lines in your first c# tutorial video?
Are you using the same version of VScode? If not I have no idea but I will say that it doesn't matter.
That happened to yesterday. I realized that I was just using Visual Studios, but it is actually Vistual Studio Code. Then you can go through the process for adding the extensions of what he likes to add. Here is a link to the video:
Start on downloading the program and extensions are at 3:44
I hope this helps!
Are you using the same version of VScode? If not I have no idea but I will say that it doesn't matter.
That happened to yesterday. I realized that I was just using Visual Studios, but it is actually Vistual Studio Code. Then you can go through the process for adding the extensions of what he likes to add. Here is a link to the video:
Start on downloading the program and extensions are at 3:44
I hope this helps!