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I’m new to unity and making a game where it asks for the players name using a TMP input field and then displays it onto a TMP text. .. Anyway to do this?
TextMeshProUGUI is a class name to reference tye TextMeshPro text ui element
TMP_InputField is a class name to reference the tmp input field
Its basically the TextMeshPro ui but in addison you can interect with it
TextMeshProUGUI tmpT; TMP_InputField tmpif; tmpT.text = tmpif.text;
the tmpT and tmpif is just a name
And tmpT.text represents the TextMeshProUGUI objects text that you applied from the inspector or if you want to change that from the script
The tmpif.text represent the text of the inpit field
So basically when you do this what you are actually saying is
"Hey unity i want the TextMeshProUGUI object to copy the text from the inputfields text to his own text."
And tada unity did what you wanted.
And if you also want to store that value you can use the palyerprefs like
This means that you are storing a string value to the data of the game so you can use it later.
Now once you got your name so in the start method you can use it to display the name on the TextMeshProUGUI object. Like
tmpT.text = PlayerPrefs.GetString("PlayerName","DefaultName");
The DefaultName represents a default value that will be given if the PlayerName string value is not found in the data.and its completely optional.
Its easy
Sorry, but can you add an explanation aswell