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Hey guys I am an 18year old college student and I want to start making games in Unity. I have already started learning a bit of c# but I am searching for other ways to learn Unity.(other than Brackeys ofcource I have seen all his vids). Would you recommend any other place to learn unity or anything that has to do with game dev?
I'm just beginning as well and I've found the Unity Learn (https://learn.unity.com/) pages to be quite helpful.
Also watching Code Monkey videos on YouTube or from his site has proven to be helpful as well.
What I am learning is the best way currently is to follow tutorials and then expand on that by adding stuff that wasn't in the tutorial to whatever it was you learning. i.e Following a tutorial on a 2D Platformer that has single jump mechanic and then after you finish go back and try and add a double jump mechanic (by following another tutorial if need be).
I'd maybe suggest purchasing a Udemy course that's how i got started. Using promo codes they're about $10 and if you decide it isn't for you, there's a 30 day refund policy. It's the thing that got me hooked. I recommend BlackThornProd's tutorial
What helped me when I got started was udemy courses, they are super helpful and if your not intrested there is a 30 day refund policy
I’d suggest any problems with future scripting go to unity answers, but for starting go to unity learn
I'd also recommend that your first and second personal games are original works, (so future employers can see that you can think for yourself) and games that are embarrasingly super-small and short. So much so that you'd almost feel that they are embarrasingly small.
Why? Because what you need for yourself and others to see is experience putting stuff together from start to finish, and actually completing something and releasing it. That way (for the future) you and other people who need to hire you will see that you actually "git 'er done" instead of giving up half-way through. :)
This is much more easily accomplished through super-tiny games, and you get to see what type of games you like, etc.
Keep on Creating!
Justin of JustinTime Studios (http://unity3d.expert)
I’d recommend checking out Unity's own Learn platform, which has a lot of beginner-to-advanced tutorials that cover scripting, animation, and even creating full projects step-by-step. Another fantastic resource is Jason Weimann’s YouTube channel, where he dives into Unity concepts, coding patterns, and game architecture in a clear and detailed way.
For a more hands-on approach, platforms like Udemy or Coursera often have well-structured courses for Unity and game development in general. If you're into experimenting or tweaking mechanics, diving into resources like https://stealth-core.com/store/category/15-apex-hacks/ could give you some unique insights into game optimization and mechanics from a different angle. Keep building, and don’t hesitate to share what you create.